Blue Heron Review Issue Number One Released Today!

Welcome to the first issue of Blue Heron Review!  To read all of the beautiful poetry and art offerings in this issue, please visit the Blue Heron Review Issue 1 Winter/2014 tab on this website.

I hope you will find poems and images that speak to you this winter, as we gently prepare for spring and come out of hibernation.  The contemplative months of winter allow us to search within and re-connect with the self.  Each poem in this issue, shines a light on all that is sacred about existing in this beautiful world.  Enjoy!

~Cristina M. R. Norcross, Editor

Blue Heron Issue One Cover1

(cover photo by Robert Lee Haycock)

Sharon Auberle * Pd Lietz * Paula Schulz * Maureen Hand * Liz Rhodebeck* Jeannie Roberts * Ingrid Goff-Maidoff * Mary Jo Balistreri * Kristi Martel * Anjie Kokan * Kimberly Blanchette * Shannon Jackson Arnold

Robert Lee Haycock (cover photo) * Jason Iffert (photography) * Jane Riley (photo credit, “Canoeing on the Kickapoo”) * Pd Lietz (artwork, “Your Wings”)

Rebecca Seymour is the Blue Heron Speaks Poet for February

Our Blue Heron Speaks featured poet for February 2014 is:

Rebecca Seymour

Rebecca Seymour Headshot

Rebecca Seymour has lived in and around Southeast Wisconsin’s Lake Country area for nearly 40 years.  A writer and photojournalist, Rebecca has had hundreds of works published in award winning newspapers and magazines, including 30West, Metro Parent and the Oconomowoc Arts Center’s On the Arts.  Her award winning column, Pebbles in My Pocket, published in the Oconomowoc Focus newspaper, is a reflection of living and loving in this little corner of Wisconsin.

A teacher naturalist, Rebecca spent five months living in a tent, working as a wilderness guide and camp cook in the most remote areas of the Grand Teton Wilderness in Wyoming.  She developed and taught outdoor nature programs for children and families, has volunteered at the Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha and is an active member of the Wildlife In Need Center in Oconomowoc.

Visit the Blue Heron Speaks page on this site to read Rebecca Seymour’s poem, “Dakota Moon,” from her book, Connecting With Wisconsin Wildlife.


Front Cover WINC Book image