The Blue Heron Speaks Featured Author for December 2016 is Jacinta V White

Welcome to the December edition of Blue Heron Speaks! We are so honored to share the work of poet, editor, and speaker, Jacinta V White.

We are bathed in healing words, when reading the work of Jacinta V White. There is no denying the gentle journey she takes us on in each poem. There is a crescendo, when intensity rises, and then there is a tender sotto voce, when we least expect our hearts to soften even more. These are poems of memory – of caring for moments, like folded lace. We seek within ourselves and see what makes us whole. Jacinta takes us to the places we thought we lost, and it is here that we are found.

Please visit the Blue Heron Speaks page of our site to read 3 sample poems by Jacinta V White. Linger here awhile. Enjoy the whispers you hear from your own windows to the soul. Please join us. Visit often.



(author photo by John H White)

Jacinta V White is a published poet, a NC Arts Council Teaching Artist, and an arts facilitator who uses poetry and art as catalysts for self-exploration and expression.

After experiencing the sudden passing of her father, Jacinta discovered that “poetry heals;” and in 2001, she founded The Word Project as a way to provide a safe, healing space for others to share and heal through creativity. She works with groups and individuals interested in using art on their healing journey, leads retreats, and offers online poetry classes.

Through The Word Project, Jacinta also serves as the poetry editor and publisher for the international online quarterly, Snapdragon: A Journal of Art & Healing. Her own poetry is featured in a number of magazines and her chapbook, broken ritual, was published by Finishing Line Press.

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broken ritual (Finishing Line Press, 2012)
